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Acorns KS1

Welcome to Acorns Key Stage One! 

Our classroom has children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  Mrs Jervis and Mrs Edgeworth are the class teachers but we are also lucky to have Mrs Bridge on a Wednesday to teach Science or Forest School.  We also have PE, French and PSHE with Miss Bamber throughout the week.  Miss Jackson supports us all week.  Children have access to i-pads in Year 1 and a personal Chromebook from Year 2 to support blended learning and computing.  We use SeeSaw to communicate with parents, to record practical learning and to help us orally rehearse stories and sentences. Here are a few photos to give you a feel for Key Stage 1 in Acorns Class.

This is the key knowledge that children will be learning and practising this term.


Acorns Pupil Learning Zone

Some of our learning on SeeSaw.


We love visiting the library van in Osmotherley every month and changing our books


Y1 maths deliberate practice


We love reading in Acorns!


Children in Year 1 are learning to add by creating number stories and writing number sentences. We love learning through play!